
Instructor Package 101

Date 07/04/2019
Duration 45 minutes
Host(s) Arjan Woertman

Using the tools of the trade – How to take advantage of ITpreneurs trainer materials.

Instructors working with ITpreneurs training materials have access to a wealth of information and tools that they can use in the delivery of courses. Think about:

  1. Online and Offline Google slide presentation materials
  2. An always available PDF version of the presentation materials
  3. A  vast library of pre-recorded train the trainer sessions that can help trainers to prepare for delivery
  4. A copy of the student materials provided as an easy to use ebook
  5. And much more.

During this webinar, we will walk you through all the tools and options available to you. This will be a practical and hands-on walkthrough where you will be able to see first hand how to best use the tools available to you.

Access the Webinar Video

About the host

Arjan Woertman
Head of Edcast Marketplace

Passionate about building products and creating markets. I enjoy all aspects of product management/portfolio management. An idea that gets sparked in someone’s mind today results in value creation for others in the future.

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